Models for communications

Synchronous vs. asynchronous communications

Communications by its nature requires two processes—one to send a message and one to receive it—so we must specify the degree of cooperation required between the two processes. In synchronous communications, the exchange of a message is an atomic action requiring the participation of both the sending process, called the sender, and the receiving process, called the receiver. If the sender is ready to send but the receiver is not ready to receive, the sender is blocked, and similarly, if the receiver is ready to receive before the sender is ready to send, the receiver is blocked. The act of communications synchronizes the execution sequences of the two processes. Alternatively, the sender can be allowed to send a message and continue without blocking. Communications are then asynchronous because there is no temporal dependence between the execution sequences of the two processes. The receiver could be executing any statement when a message is sent, and only later check the communications channel for messages.

Deciding on a scheme is based upon the capacity of the communications channel to buffer messages, and on the need for synchronization. In asynchronous communications, the sender may send many messages without the receiver removing them from the channel, so the channel must be able to buffer a potentially unlimited number of messages. Since any buffer is finite, eventually the sender will be blocked or messages will be discarded. Synchronous and asynchronous communications are familiar from telephone calls and email messages. A telephone call synchronizes the activities of the caller and the person who answers. If the persons cannot synchronize, busy signals and unanswered calls result. On the other hand, any number of messages may be sent by email, and the receiver may choose to check the incoming mail at any time. Of course, the capacity of an electronic mailbox is limited, and email is useless if you need immediate synchronization between the sender and the receiver.

The choice between synchronous and asynchronous communications also depends on the level of the implementation. Asynchronous communications requires a buffer for messages sent but not received, and this memory must be allocated somewhere, as must the code for managing the buffers. Therefore, asynchronous communications is usually implemented in software, rather than in hardware. Synchronous communications requires no support other than send and receive instructions that can be implemented in hardware (see Section 8.3).


In order to originate a telephone call, the caller must know the telephone number, the address, of the receiver of the call. Addressing is asymmetric, because the receiver does not know the telephone number of the caller. (Caller identification is possible, though the caller may choose to block this option.) Email messages use symmetric addressing, because every message contains the address of the sender.

Symmetric addressing is preferred when the processes are cooperating on the solution of a problem, because the addresses can be fixed at compile time or during a configuration stage, leading to easier programming and more efficient execution. This type of addressing can also be implemented by the use of channels: rather than naming the processes, named channels are declared for use by a pair or a group of processes.

Asymmetric addressing is preferred for programming client-server systems. The client has to know the name of the service it requests, while the server can be programmed without knowledge of its future clients. If needed, the client identification must be passed dynamically as part of the message.

Finally, it is possible to pass messages without any addressing whatsoever! Matching on the message structure is used in place of addresses. In Chapter 9, we will study spaces in which senders broadcast messages with no address; the messages can be received by any process, even by processes that were not in existence when the message was sent.

Data flow

A single act of communications can have data flowing in one direction or two. An email message causes data to flow in one direction only, so a reply requires a separate act of communications. A telephone call allows two-way communications.

Asynchronous communications necessarily uses one-way data flow: the sender sends the message and then continues without waiting for the receiver to accept the message. In synchronous communications, either one- or two-way data flow is possible. Passing a message on a one-way channel is extremely efficient, because the sender need not be blocked while the receiver processes the message. However, if the message does in fact need a reply, it may be more efficient to block the sender, rather than release it and later go through the overhead of synchronizing the two processes for the reply message.

CSP and occam

Channels were introduced by C.A.R. Hoare in the CSP formalism [32], which has been extremely influential in the development of concurrent programming [55, 58]. The programming language occam is directly based upon CSP, as is much of the Promela language that we use in this book. For more information on CSP, occam and their software tools for programming and verification, see the websites listed in Appendix E.