The challenge of concurrent programming

The challenge in concurrent programming comes from the need to synchronize the execution of different processes and to enable them to communicate. If the processes were totally independent, the implementation of concurrency would only require a simple scheduler to allocate resources among them. But if an I/O process accepts a character typed on a keyboard, it must somehow communicate it to the process running the word processor, and if there are multiple windows on a display, processes must somehow synchronize access to the display so that images are sent to the window with the current focus.

It turns out to be extremely difficult to implement safe and efficient synchronization and communication. When your personal computer freezes up or when using one application causes another application to crash, the cause is generally an error in synchronization or communication. Since such problems are time and situation dependent, they are difficult to reproduce, diagnose and correct.

The aim of this book is to introduce you to the constructs, algorithms and systems that are used to obtain correct behavior of concurrent and distributed programs. The choice of construct, algorithm or system depends critically on assumptions concerning the requirements of the software being developed and the architecture of the system that will be used to execute it. This book presents a survey of the main ideas that have been proposed over the years; we hope that it will enable you to analyze, evaluate and employ specific tools that you will encounter in the future.


We have defined concurrent programming informally, based upon your experience with computer systems. Our goal is to study concurrency abstractly, rather than a particular implementation in a specific programming language or operating system. We have to carefully specify the abstraction that describe the allowable data structures and operations. In the next chapter, we will define the concurrent programming abstraction and justify its relevance. We will also survey languages and systems that can be used to write concurrent programs.