
An ordinary program consists of data declarations and assignment and control-flow statements in a programming language. Modern languages include structures such as procedures and modules for organizing large software systems through abstraction and encapsulation, but the statements that are actually executed are still the elementary statements that compute expressions, move data and change the flow of control. In fact, these are precisely the instructions that appear in the machine code that results from compilation. These machine instructions are executed sequentially on a computer and access data stored in the main or secondary memories.

A concurrent program is a set of sequential programs that can be executed in parallel. We use the word process for the sequential programs that comprise a concurrent program and save the term program for this set of processes.

Traditionally, the word parallel is used for systems in which the executions of several programs overlap in time by running them on separate processors. The word concurrent is reserved for potential parallelism, in which the executions may, but need not, overlap; instead, the parallelism may only be apparent since it may be implemented by sharing the resources of a small number of processors, often only one. Concurrency is an extremely useful abstraction because we can better understand such a program by pretending that all processes are being executed in parallel. Conversely, even if the processes of a concurrent program are actually executed in parallel on several processors, understanding its behavior is greatly facilitated if we impose an order on the instructions that is compatible with shared execution on a single processor. Like any abstraction, concurrent programming is important because the behavior of a wide range of real systems can be modeled and studied without unnecessary detail.

In this book we will define formal models of concurrent programs and study algorithms written in these formalisms. Because the processes that comprise a concurrent program may interact, it is exceedingly difficult to write a correct program for even the simplest problem. New tools are needed to specify, program and verify these programs. Unless these are understood, a programmer used to writing and testing sequential programs will be totally mystified by the bizarre behavior that a concurrent program can exhibit.

Concurrent programming arose from problems encountered in creating real systems. To motivate the concurrency abstraction, we present a series of examples of real-world concurrency.