
The semaphore was introduced to provide a synchronization primitive that does not require busy waiting. Using semaphores we have given solutions to common concurrent programming problems. However, the semaphore is a low-level primitive because it is unstructured. If we were to build a large system using semaphores alone, the responsibility for the correct use of the semaphores would be diffused among all the implementers of the system. If one of them forgets to call signal(S) after a critical section, the program can deadlock and the cause of the failure will be difficult to isolate.

Monitors provide a structured concurrent programming primitive that concentrates the responsibility for correctness into modules. Monitors are a generalization of the kernel or supervisor found in operating systems, where critical sections such as the allocation of memory are centralized in a privileged program. Applications programs request services which are performed by the kernel. Kernels are run in a hardware mode that ensures that they cannot be interfered with by applications programs.

The monitors discussed in this chapter are decentralized versions of the monolithic kernel. Rather than have one system program handle all requests for services involving shared devices or data, we define a separate monitor for each object or related group of objects that requires synchronization. If operations of the same monitor are called by more than one process, the implementation ensures that these are executed under mutual exclusion. If operations of different monitors are called, their executions can be interleaved.

Monitors have become an extremely important synchronization mechanism because they are a natural generalization of the object of object-oriented programming, which encapsulates data and operation declarations within a class. At runtime, objects of this class can be allocated, and the operations of the class invoked on the fields of the object. The monitor adds the requirement that only one pro- cess can execute an operation on an object at any one time. Furthermore, while the fields of an object may be declared either public (directly accessible outside the class) or private (accessible only by operations declared within the class), the fields of a monitor are all private. Together with the requirement that only one process at a time can execute an operation, this ensures that the fields of a monitor are accessed consistently.

Actual implementations of monitors in programming languages and systems are quite different from one another. We begin the chapter by describing the classical monitor, a version of which is implemented in the BACI concurrency simulator. Then we will discuss protected objects of Ada, followed by synchronized methods in Java which can be used to implement monitors. It is extremely important that you learn how to analyze different implementations: their advantages, their disadvantages and the programming paradigms appropriate to each one.


Monitor-like constructs are the most popular form of synchronization found in programming languages. These constructs are structured and integrate well with the techniques of object-oriented programming. The original formulation by Hoare and Brinch Hansen has served as inspiration for similar constructs, in particular the synchronized methods of Java, and the very elegant protected objects of Ada. As with semaphores, it is important to understand the precise semantics of the construct that you are using, because the style of programming as well as the correctness and efficiency of the resulting programs depend on the details of the implementation.

Both the semaphore and the monitor are highly centralized constructs, blocking and unblocking processes, maintaining queues of blocked processes and encapsulating data. As multiprocessing and distributed architectures become more popular, there is a need for synchronization constructs that are less centralized. These constructs are based upon communications rather than upon sharing. The next chapter presents several models that achieve synchronization by using communications between sending processes and receiving processes.